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23 February 2009

Asher, his hair, and the film grain they are never without. I’ve known them for roughly fifteen years, although we keep ending up in different cities. They’re in the talkies, and, lately, the proprietors of the Pacific Kino Garden. (This post comes from my embarrassment at seeing Env plugged in PKG and realizing how remiss I had been in not already having done the converse.) If you live in Portland and enjoy moving images, obviously it’s your duty to yourself to read it. But it’s also worth it for samples of Asher’s taste in general, which is, still, strange and beautiful.
(Last spring I Googled him, not even knowing where he was living, and found a post with production stills from the Star E Rose and the burnt church on Cook just west of MLK, places I had been that week. I’ve met or come close to meeting a pretty sizable proportion of the people I’ve ever known within ten minutes’ walk of NE Fremont and MLK.)